This is an outline guide to running your own two-day training workshop on “ICTs, Climate Change and Development”:


Workshop aims:

  • Awareness: To raise awareness among participants of the role ICTs can play vis-à-vis climate change in developing countries.
  • Action: To identify and advocate specific actions that participants’ organisations can take to improve the strategic integration between ICTs and climate change within development.
  • Agenda: To identify the future ICCD agenda for policy-makers and strategists, for practitioners, and for research.

Workshop participants: Key individuals with strategic responsibilities for either ICTs or climate change in development organisations in the NGO, public and private sector.

Workshop Content

Day Time Session Title Content
Day Zero 1500-1700 Poster Installation Participants put up posters. Posters should ideally be A2 or A3 size and provide details of the participants’ organisation; focussing largely on their current work or future plans relating to ICTs and climate change, especially key innovations and key lessons. Posters should include name and photograph of the participant.
1700-1800 Ice-Breaker Icebreakers:

a) Receiving line: Participants form two facing lines, shake hands with the person opposite and introduce just their name and organisation, then move one step left and introduce to the next; repeat until everyone has met.

b) “I hope” activity – everyone writes one “I hope” in relation to the workshop; exchange in groups of three and discuss; post on the wall somewhere.

c) Discussion: Any general points, questions.

1800-1900 Poster Session I Participants can view posters, discuss with authors.
Day One 0900-1100 Workshop Introductions Paired introductions – talk with partner, and that partner will introduce three things: a) Your name; b) Your organisation; c) Your current work/future plans on ICTs, climate change and development (ICCD).

Introduction to workshop by workshop coordinator. Example of introductory PowerPoint.

1130-1300 ICTs, Climate Change and Development Overview Presentation and then discussion of foundational conceptual models for understanding ICTs, climate change and development. E.g.: a) ICCD Overview Model; b) ICCD Value Chain Model; c) e-Resilience Model. Example of conceptual model PowerPoint.

For each model, discuss how it was developed, what its content is, how it is seen as being used.

Group Activity

Get groups to discuss and report back: a) one thing that is good about the model; b) one way in which they might use the model in their work; c) one thing they would suggest changing about the model.

1400-1530 ICTs and Climate Change Mitigation Presentation on overview of emissions, main trends, main international initiatives and organisations, role of ICT as both an emissions problems and mitigation solution. Example of mitigation PowerPoint.

Group Activity

Read one mitigation case study per group, and use these plus experiences and reflection on presentation to discuss and report back: a) a key lesson learned about e-mitigation; b) a key strategic action that organisations need to take.

1600-1730 ICTs and Climate Change Adaptation Presentation on role of ICTs in climate change adaptation.  E.g. role in addressing vulnerabilities at community level, including key enablers/constraints, and action steps. Example of adaptation PowerPoint.

Group Activity

Read one adaptation case study per group, and use these plus experiences and reflection on presentation to discuss and report back: a) a key lesson learned about e-adaptation; b) a key strategic action that organisations need to take.

1730-1830 Poster Session II Participants can view posters, discuss with authors.
Day Two 0900-0930 Review Discussion with participants about key learning points from previous day, key issues they see arising, how things are going.
0930-1100 ICTs and Climate Change Strategy Presentation on national or regional application of ICTs for use in climate change strategy. (No example available).

Group Activity

Read one strategy case study per group, and use these plus experiences and reflection on presentation to discuss and report back: a) a key lesson learned about ICTs and climate change strategy; b) a key strategic action that organisations need to take.

1130-1300 Strategic Policy Actions on ICTs and Climate Change Presentation on national strategic action on ICTs and climate change, including national policy and structures, and national initiatives to integrate ICTs and climate change. Example of strategy PowerPoint.

Group Activity

Regional groupings to discuss, map and report back: policy spaces, policy opportunities, policy tactics (i.e. how to influence policies and strategies) and policy actions.

1400-1530 Future Agenda Setting Overall focus for session: What should be the future agenda for research, for policy and for action in the ICCD arena?

Divide participants into groups, to discuss and report back on four things:

– One ICCD research priority: Something we don’t yet know that we need to know

– One ICCD policy priority: What should national governments be putting at the top of the agenda?

– One ICCD organisational action priority: What should individual development organisations be putting at the top of their action agenda?

– One ICCD application priority: What should we recognise as the most important ICT application to address climate change in developing countries?

1600-1700 Organisational and Network Action Plans a) Individual action plans – three strategic action points for participants themselves or their organisations (try to find some way to display these)

b) Group discussion and critique – divide into groups of four to share, discuss, amend individual action plans

c) What next – what should the next steps be for the workshop participants, as a network?

Other Workshop Ideas

  1. During breaks, undertake short video interviews of participants, seeking their answers to two questions: “What do you see as the key value of ICTs in relation to climate change?”, “What do you see as the key challenges relating ICTs and climate change?”
  2. Get small groups to work overnight and give a 5-minute presentation the next day on what they see as a priority application of ICTs, CC and Devel.
  3. Swap one of the strategy sessions for a session on either “ICTs and Climate Change Monitoring” or “ICTs and Climate-Related Disaster Management”.